Monday, July 27, 2009


I always feel like nobody recognizes me and I think I might know why. Not too long ago someone pointed a gun at me and told me to give him my purse so I did. One of the items that was included in the package I gave him was my I.D. I've had the same photo on my drivers license for about 15 years and when I went to replace it they had me take a new one. Just to be clear, I do not go to a tanning salon and I do not dye my hair. I'm not sure what happened but I'm glad I have my brother, Virgil, who is the same coloring as me and has gone through the same changes I have. Just before I turned 40 I was so excited I couldn't wait. And when it finally happened I had to tell everybody. I was not happy being a young person and I think it shows here. I can't wait till I'm 80.