Thursday, May 24, 2012

Another Reason I Should Stop Teaching

I found one more reason I should probably stop teaching. I am starting to think I am a bad influence. I finished the semester at DVC (Diablo Valley College-my dad calls it The Devil College) and one of my students, for his final, photographed himself doing things he is not supposed to do. Like holding a gun to someone's head at a In and Out Burger. Or ordering at the drive-thru without a car AND buck naked. Also, spray painting on a big cement wall, "Alice Shaw made me do it."

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Location, Location, Location

My friend, who lives in upstate New York near where I was born, saw a sign the other day in someone's front yard that read, "FOR SALE-Free Kittens." Now I know where I get it all from.

Monday, May 21, 2012


Yesterday I was at Rainbow Grocery, the local health food store, getting spices in their bulk foods section. I happened to look at a shelf down below where I was standing and there was a jar for something called Memory Tea. It was empty. And it had a sign on it saying, "Temporarily Unavailable."

Monday, May 14, 2012

Lesson Learned

I think it might be time to stop teaching. I love it but nobody is hiring full-time teachers and, as a part-time teacher, I'm making the same amount of money I was 10 years ago. And with all the budget cuts things are not looking good. Not sure what is next. If I want to find a teaching job I will have to move to Northern Minnesota. Or maybe I will just move to Brazil. In the meantime, with no work, I've been occupying my time by going sailing on the bay, trips up the coast to eat oysters, going to see roller derby, the beach, and much, much more.