Sunday, May 16, 2010


My Brazilian soccer team won it's fourth championship in a row. It was bittersweet. That was good news but there was some bad news too. They decided to take next season off. What do they expect me to do with my Sundays now? Today I went to a yoga class instead. Yuck. Boring. I did not see one handsome Brazilian man there. Not even a sweaty Costa Rican or a hairy Portuguese man. Nobody gave me a hug and said, "Hello, my love," and nobody made me laugh my ass off. I did not get to sit in the sun and watch the next game then go out and eat a big breakfast with the other two ladies on the team. I can't wait for the next season.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Something I've Always Wanted To Do

This weekend the Psychic Fair was in town. I went down there with one task in mind and that was to have my aura photographed. I have a few books about photographs of "the invisible" and they all include aura Polaroid portraits and I've always wanted to have one of myself. I have to say that I've never seen so many kooks in one place at the same time. Well, except for the Renaissance Pleasure Fair when I was about 5. There were a lot of con artists the Psychic Fair too and they kept trying to get in the way of my mission. I got attached my a woman doing henna tattoos. I got cornered by a short, bald New Yorker with my phone number on his mind. There were people rubbing greasy crystals on women's faces to eliminate their wrinkles, there was a man playing a very long didgery doo that was pointed at the chest of a woman with her eyes closed, and people selling flowing gowns like the ones Stevie Nicks wears. Just to list a few of the things I observed. Before I left the house to go to the fair my housemate asked me if I thought my aura was going to be pink. "I'll just have to wait and see." Here is the photo.