Sunday, September 22, 2013

To Teach or Not To Teach. This Is The Question.

Yesterday in my teachers union newsletter they had a page comparing college contingent teacher salaries to that of someone working at Walmart. Here are the stats. To work at Walmart you do not have to have a high school degree. To work at a college or university you must have a Master's or PhD. Walmart $9.13 per hour. Higher education pays $7.78 after all the work put into a class is done. On average there are 3 applicants for each Walmart job opening. For a faculty position there are usually 87 applicants per opening. Hmm.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Oh my God! Grand Theft Auto 5 came out yesterday! I would not have known this if I didn't teach at a junior college. Some students missed class because they stayed home to play it and some left early. You'd think the school would have considered it a holiday and cancel all classes. Maybe it should have been a federal holiday. Or maybe all those kids should have gone to church instead. I guess it's the most violent version yet. Even my stripper student was complaining that it was too graphic and the language was too vulgar.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Windy City

I don't know why they call Chicago the windy city. It can't be windier than San Francisco, can it? Here is a photo of me and my sister, Whitney, trying to walk down the street last week. Our friend Gaelan took it.