Thursday, April 24, 2014

Duck, Duck, Goose

Every time it rains the roof of the art gallery at Diablo Valley College fills up with water. Every time it fills up with water this pair of ducks shows up to rummage around for food. I shared this picture of the ducks with my sister, Whitney, and she said it was the weirdest photo she'd ever seen. It is sort of hard to make out with the parking lot in the distance.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Me But Not Me

It looks like me on the bicycle but it's not me. Really. I wasn't there. Or maybe I just don't remember it.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Every week I make what I call a "Bucket of Slop." It's something I can eat all week long. Like chili, or spaghetti sauce, or soup. Something I can throw in a Tupperware container take with me for lunch. Two weeks ago I made my own version of Indian food. Onion, tomato, coconut milk, spices, but mostly chick peas and green peas. So I called it Pea-Pea. It was pretty good at first but one week turned into two weeks and I am starting to get tired of it. Pea-Pea is starting to taste like poo-poo.