Monday, September 1, 2014


My nephew is named Grey but sometimes we call him Little Richard because he is obsessed with the sinking of the Titanic and World War II just like my dad. And he's hyperactive just like my dad. This summer he got to go to Pearl Harbor and he was beside him self. I thought he was going to explode. The other day I was driving somewhere with my nephew and his best friend in the back seat of my car. I looked back and Grey was picking his nose. Lately he is almost as obsessed with picking his nose as he is with the sinking of the Titanic and World War II. I gave him a look as to say, "Knock that off." He stopped for a brief moment then smiled and kept on going. Then he felt like he needed to explain to me and Sullivan why he picked his nose. He told us that what he was doing was trying to get the bad germs out and that the Germans are the bad germs and they are always battling with the good germs. Sometimes the good germs are winning and sometimes the bad germs are. This is why you get a cold. It kind of makes sense.

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