Saturday, August 25, 2012


Yesterday I had to go to Photo Supply and pick up some lights for a job. I parked and looked at the meter and there was still half an hour left on it. So, I decided to go to the cafe a block away just across the street from South Park. I headed over and realized that the entire park was filled with Woody Allen's film crew. He's been filming a movie here in SF. It doesn't have a working name yet. Or not that anyone knows of. I got some tea and sat at a table outside. The music was too loud inside. It looked like the shoot must have been over because the crew was milling about and a bunch of guys with multiple walkie talkies on their belts got into a brown van and it drove off. About 15 minutes later the brown van pulled up again and Cate Blanchett got out. She was dressed to the nines but didn't have on any make-up and her hair was wet. She looked at me, looked at the ground, and walked off. Obviously the shooting hadn't begun yet.

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